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Oro-Facial Pain

Oro-Facial pain may come from different anatomical sources in the face and jaws. They may arise from the muscles of the jaws, the Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ, the jaw bone, the sensory nerves in the face or from the teeth. A thorough history and clinical examination is necessary to determine the source of the pain so that the appropriate treatment can be given. Examples of oro-facial pain can include TemporoMandibular Disorders (TMD), TMJ disorders, Jaw lesions, Trigeminal Neuralgia or even pain due to dental decay or wisdom teeth.

How are these conditions managed?

Because oro-facial pain may come from different anatomical structures or sources, management may vary from conservative methods including pharmacological therapy, botox injections, jaw exercises or splint therapy to surgical interventions. Additional investigations and x-rays may also be required. To find our more, make an appointment with our specialists for a consult today.